
2017 m. spalio 9 d., pirmadienis

Featured Seller: Vaida Petreikis

By Ieva from WhimsyShades

Some people have a great talent in more than one area. Photography and felt - these are the two fields where Vaida Petreikis expresses her creativity with great finesse.

'I make jewelry with handmade felt, various interior items from diverse materials, combining different techniques. Felt, metal, wood, stone, even photography - all in one. I love diversity and experiments. In everything.' - says Vaida. Extremely cute booties for babies, felted slippers, equipment for newborn's photo shoots, accessories, home decor (have you seen these cool hedgehog caves?) - all this and more created with great delicacy and love. Nostalgic color palette and pure shapes makes it look clean aesthetically.

photo by Allthebeautifulthings

The same stylistic is typical in her photography. 'It’s my self-expression. My lifestyle. I just believe in what I do. I find my inspiration in all I see around myself, in textures, in colors, in forms, in everyday living. My photographs start with a desire to capture a story, feeling, or mood. I carry my camera everywhere I go.' And it's definitely obvious. The photos are just delicious. Just perfect with their minimalist compositions and impeccable lighting.

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