

2017 m. spalio 29 d., sekmadienis

Reasons to love rain. 10 things Sunday.

by Audra Zili from AudraTextileStudio

Autumn is half way through  and everyone knows what it's like to wake up in the morning with a sound of a monotonic melody played by the rain. And you know what's the first thing that comes to your mind: Oh, no!
... But stop right there... stop for a moment and forget all the negative things. Smile a little and prepare to read 10 reasons why you should love rain. 
Rainy Sunday is a legitimate reason not to hurry up. You have time to start your day with a wellness and care for  yourself and those around you. And there is little reason to spend time matching outfits. Stay cozy and comfortable – you are in your own home.

Now is the time for long breakfast, healthy and nicely served – you are worth only the best. After such a good start, take a minute to write a paper card to your Mom or friend, or to practice origami...or do a master class in crafts.

Look around your home. Maybe you want to change the order of your interior or create a special mood with lighting? At least do a walk. Waterproof yourself and your best friend and don‘t forget umbrella. This walk could became a wonderful adventure. Remember, you can't have a rainbow without a little rain. 
Don‘t forget this and smile!

Fine art photograph by VaidaPhoto
Unisex Orange City Raincoat by DucktailRaincoats

Paper flowers by popierita

Dog rain jacket by DogRaincoatsCiuCiu

Rainbow photo by MovingLines

5 komentarai:

  1. so important at this time of year! And sometimes, rain doesn't even stop in winter... :)

  2. It so good colection for this rainy days 🌂

  3. Rain for me is a time to stop rushing and turn around into myself: it might take just a few minutes, even seconds - but when you gather yourself from all the stress and problems, things to do - you are whole again and can create many beautiful things from your soul <3
    It is such a joy to be listed here when my shop on Etsy is just opened and noticed. Thank you!
