

2017 m. lapkričio 23 d., ketvirtadienis

Featured shop - Dzy Dzy Design

Ieva from Shades of Whimsy

Jewelry can be sweet and delicious. Do you know that? Or is this something new for you? Just look at all these tiny avocados, berries, fruits, candies and honeycombs at Dzy Dzy Design! They tempt to be tasted, don't they?

The creator Greta says: 'My friendship with sculpting began around in 2008. It started as a little hobby after school, where I could make some jewelry for myself. But a few earrings later, I noticed that all of my classmates started to ask if I could make something for them. That's how a little hobby started to become to a business. I started creating food jewellery because it's different. It's colorful, funny & unique. And I love making it. It's that moment of surprise that makes me move forward. Jewelry should be inspiring and happy, like a statement reflecting on a mood.'

Dzy Dzy Design is the perfect example of how the hobby has grown into business. Greta creates with great love and carefulness. The miniature pieces of food jewelry look incredibly realistic. Small pins and earrings captured in dainty and atractive photos are just adorable. They are made of polymer clay by hand, and the work is very careful and delicate. These accessories perfectly fit both to a teenager and sophisticated fashion lover.

So, would you like to try some gingerbread for Christmas? Or Maybe donuts, macarons, coockies? Or something healthy and light, like berries and fruits? Just visit Dzy Dzy Design and choose something just exactly for you!

Visit Dzy Dzy Design:

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