Easter is coming soon and to keep the wait more exiting here's a fun DIY for you and your family to make! Make your own Easter gifts. These colorful candles will be the star of your dinning table.
So gather all your supplies and dig in something truly amazing.
You will need:
1. This kit - available here
2. 10 Empty egg shells, about half of eggshell.
3. Pot for water boiling.
4. Some small metal pots, it could be used and cuted cans.
5. Metal spoon.
6. Cooker.
1. Save your cracked in half eggs from your last meal. Wash the eggshells and let them
dry completely.
Note: Be sure to wash your hands throughout whenever handling raw eggs.
2. Place dried eggshells into an egg carton.
3. Place the wax in the smaller inner pan of the double boiler and let it melt over a medium
heat. I use small metal pot, also it could be used and cuted cans. Don’t leave it unattended
as it’s flamable.
4. When the wax is melted, place a spoonful of the wax at the bottom of eggshell and
insert in the wick.
I use usual metal spoon, after the use just wash it with hot water.
5. Then the wax around the wick hardens, pour in the rest of the hot wax., filling the
eggshell about halfway. Wick must be left about 1cm (0,4 inches) unfilled. If you fill too
much wax the candle could have too small light. Let them sit in the egg carton until they
were hard and cool.
6. When the wax cools and hardens, you will have a beautiful centerpiece, perfect for
lighting up the holiday table. Best way for burning is to use egg holders, burning time about
4 hours.
Kaip norėčiau išbandyti :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiwow, kaip graziai viskas :)
AtsakytiPanaikintikaip nerealiai!! noriu ir as pabandyt :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiAčiū !! Thank you for sharing!!!
AtsakytiPanaikintiPuiki mintis, būtinai išbandysiu :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiEaster Easter .....🐣🐣🐣 Great DIY, I need to try certainly
AtsakytiPanaikintiLabai gražu!
AtsakytiPanaikintiAdorable candles!!! I love them and thank You Asta for all ;)
AtsakytiPanaikintiSuch a great tutorial!
AtsakytiPanaikintiGreat lesson! should definitely try to do that!
AtsakytiPanaikintiLovely idea :)